12:12 Group
We are a group of creative activists who express themselves in arts and education.
We compose different projects without limiting ourselves in formats, genres, and themes.
Since 2023 Group 1212 works in sprints.

The topic of the sept23-feb24 sprint is:
kilometer (non)zero.
A sprint means that we choose a topic to work for 3-6 months. During every sprint we make projects separately or together. Then comes a new sprint and a new topic.

Kilometer zero is a point used as a start to measure distances. In 2022 we left St Petersburg for different countries or cities. Some of us stayed in Russia, some did not. The meaning and feeling of our beloved places, plans and aims, our relation to the very concept of the path - everything has changed.

We are different in defining and perceiving our own kilometers zero. One denies old locations and relationships, another revises it, and another - transforms.

We dedicate our first sprint to exploring these changes in ourselves, the world around and our relationship with it.